Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
The Bachelor of Religious Art in Christian Education is specifically designed for pastoral ministry and is intended to provide a professional practical degree that will equip participants with the skills needed for a ministry role. This is a three year program that will provide the training necessary which can actually be applied to current and future ministry careers. Some of the areas covered in the program are; teaching methods, preaching practices, procedures and pastoral care. The knowledge gained will provide a strong foundation in the many aspects of pastoral ministry. breakline Additional knowledge will be gained through internship which will provide opportunities for practical experiences which will further develop your ministry skills. breakline In addition, courses in discipleship, worship, global Christianity and biblical knowledge will provide a deeper understanding of pastoral responsibilities and activities. Participants in this program will be challenged to think critically about the advancing issues that are affecting the church in today’s world and the pastor’s role. Field training combined with constant interaction with professors and fellow students will be encourage, as this will enhanced needed knowledge as well as spiritual advancement.
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN COUNSELING breakline SEMESTER II newline COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT/HOURS BAC100 Pastoral Psychology 3 BAC101 Creation Science 3 BAC102 Dysfunctional Family 3 BAC103 Root & Fruits of Character 3 BAC104 Colossians 3 BAC105 Ephesians 3 BAC106 Doctrines of Scripture 3 BAC107 Book of Ruth 3 BAC209 Christian Counseling T 3 BAC310 Revelation 3 30 Hours